We welcome student volunteers from World Challenge to Madagascar
Every year, we welcome students from the World Challenge. This year, we hosted the Misbourne Group visiting from the UK, which consisted of nine students, along with their leader and teacher.
The group focused on assisting in the construction of a new school building for Ankarimaso Primary School in the Ifanadiana district. They collaborated closely with the local community to complete the project. Sophia, a student from Buckinghamshire, commented “the work is hard, especially as we are doing things we have never done before.”
One of the volunteer students, Sophia, helping to move building materials.
In addition to the construction work, the students engaged in cultural exchange activities with the village children, learning local dances, playing games and more.
Lizzie 17, a student volunteer from High Wycombe, said “I had no idea what to expect from the trip, my only knowledge of Madagascar came from the cartoons but I was motivated to experience a contrast in culture to what I am used to.”