Photos from the field, January
Each month, we are publishing photographs that our Project Managers and Field Agents take when they are out supporting, monitoring or evaluating our work with communties From this you can see the wide range of projects that we are involved in. This month our stand out photograph is simply stunning - showing the development of borehole drilling to provide clean water to communities in Ambalahosy village, Ambolomadinika municipality, Ikongo district. It was taken by our Clean Water Manager, Vasil. Look closely at the water droplets. These photographs were all taken in January 2025.
Borehole under development to provide clean water for Ambalahosy Village. Photo Credit: Vasil
A wonderful rice field in Vinanitelo area. Photo Credit: Tsikye
A student on her way to school at Mahatsinjoroa Maromiandra Primary. Photo Credit: Michel
Community engagement in Ambohimahamasina. Photo Credit: Tsiky
Girls thresing rice
Announcement being heard of office official. Photo Credit: Raherivelo
Lighthouse Education Workshop. Photo Credit: Sampsia
Announcing the winner of a local election. Photo Credit: Raherivelo
Vegetable distribution in Antodinga Municipality. Photo Credit: Tsiky
Display of classroom teaching materials using raw materials Sakevo Maromiandra School. Photo Credit: Michel
New classroom under construction at Andriamalaza Maromiandra School. Photo Credit: Michel
Sakalava Tolongoina students listening to the audio book Dream Diary. Photo Credit: Michel
School Officer, Emile talking to the students of the Ambohimahavelo Tolongoina Primary. Photo Credit: Michel
Volunteers sorting the rice in Ambohimahamasina. Photo Credit: Tsiky
Work progress monitors wash their hands and test the tank at Sandrakely Primary Credit: Hery Mamy Comity