Clean water is crucial

Access to clean water is crucial for the health and development of communities. In many areas of Madagascar, the consumption of contaminated water leads to various diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, and dysentery, particularly affecting rural populations. To address this challenge, reduce infant mortality and waterborne illnesses, Feedback Madagascar is committed to providing clean water infrastructure to those in need.

One of our recent projects involves the installation of a borehole at Mahatsara Primary School in Vohipeno. This school, with 139 pupils and 7 teachers, previously lacked access to safe water, forcing students to bring water from home, often sourced from rivers, which posed health risks, especially during the dry season when water becomes salty due to seawater intrusion.

Mr. Julien, a teacher and headteacher at Mahatsara Primary School, shared the school's struggles with water scarcity. He described how the damaged well left them reliant on bottled water, which was insufficient and sometimes contaminated.

Mr Julien, headteacher, pupils and parents enjoying the new borehole

The new borehole installed by the Feedback Madagascar team in March has transformed the situation, bringing joy and relief to the school community.

Pupils, teachers, and parents express their gratitude for the borehole, delighted to have access to safe water and the end of their suffering due to water scarcity. They are committed to maintaining this vital infrastructure for the well-being of everyone at the school and the wider community.

We are so happy because now, we have safe water, no more suffering due to lack of clean water, we will take care of this borehole.

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