Light Libraries light up homes
Meet Marie Eliane Rafaraniaina who rents two Light Library power sticks, each no bigger than a candle, to charge her phone and her lamp so her children can do their homework in the evening.
“Before, when my children used candles, we had to limit the amount of time they could study at home to save money.”
Marie Eliane Rafaraniai
Teachers in Marie Eliane’s community estimate that a lack of light is the main reason why 30% of children cannot complete their homework.
Candles used to cost Marie Eliane three times as much as she now pays to rent a light and power stick from the Light Library and the candles burnt out quickly. “It used to be dark, now all the houses in my village have lights at night. It’s just so different from living in darkness.”
Light Libraries are simply banks of lights and power packs, that are recharged by a central solar panel and system, which can be rented for a small fee. They are located in schools to primarily benefit pupils, allowing them to study safely at home after dark. The teachers manage the libraries and earn a small income from the rental fees. This is meaningful to them as they are often underpaid or not paid at all, and they ensure the good care and sustainability of the library.
A Light Library is simply a stock of lights and power packs that can be rented for a small fee and are recharged by a central solar panel system. They are located in schools to primarily benefit pupils, allowing them to study safely at home after dark, but of course, the rest of the family can also benefit. The teachers manage the libraries and earn a small income from part of the rental fees. This is meaningful to them as they are often underpaid or not paid at all, and they ensure the good care and sustainability of the library. The remaining part of the fees goes towards servicing and replacement.
So far we have established light libraries in 46 schools reaching 9,649 pupils and their families. This year we hope to reach a further 60 schools and over 9000 more pupils and soon, funds depending, all 542 schools that we currently work with.
We are setting up “Light Libraries” to light up homes and schools. And until noon on 25th April, through our partnership with Big Give donations are being doubled.