Plant a Tree Today

At Feedback Madagascar we’re mad about trees. They make oxygen, stop erosion, feed some of the world’s poorest people, and provide a home for the world’s most wonderful animals. We have already planted and protected two million trees.

You can help us fight climate change by planting a tree today.

We back the people and the forest

At Feedback Madagascar we work hand in hand with some of the poorest people in Madagascar to improve their lives and care for the forests they depend on. Feedback Madagascar is a charity, established in 1995, that commits to backing communities long-term with a multi-faceted approach that puts people first. Addressing peoples’ primary needs (health, sanitation, agriculture) allows us to focus on longer-term challenges (education, livelihoods, human rights, and conservation), clearing a path for harmonious livelihoods and environmental stewardship.

Latest News from Feedback Madagascar

We deliver


Children fed every school day

Trees planted in Madagascar

Bore holes drilled

David Attenborough

​"Initiatives like this bring hope for the future of Madagascar"

Madagascar, world of wonders

Make a donation

We are working hand in hand with the people of Madagascar to ensure their future, and that of their environment is sustainable. With your support we can support the future.

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