We believe in a people first approach that aligns with the environment - we work to a better future for everyone
We recognise that a growing population can increase environmental destruction, but they are also the only available resource to look after it. There will never be enough outside funding and resources to protect the remaining forest. However, there is a huge reserve of local interest and people power to do so if the right support can be accessed.
Malagasy people are the key to resolving the challenges they face
It sounds obvious but too often they are not able to fully participate in “solutions” foisted upon them. We work in partnership with communities to promote self-development whilst providing necessary support. We recognise the inter-relationship between poverty, environmental degradation and poor health, and believe that complex problems can only be solved by multi-faceted solutions.
As a result, we work in multiple sectors – social (health and education), environment (conservation and natural resource management, forest restoration and rehabilitation), local economy (promoting environmentally-friendly agriculture and income generation activities) and community capacity-building in management, organisation and business development.
Change at a local level involves shared buy-in and participation. This requires mutual trust.
Planting tree saplings, to date Feedback Madagascar have planted more than 2 million trees